Workshop + Group Exhibition
Pinhole Photography Workshop
by Pinhocchio / Laura Fiorio
Workshop: Saturday, February 27, 2016, 10-18h (Facebook Event)
Language: German, English or Spanish
Fee: 65 €
The workshop is based on fun, self production and recycling. no previous knowledges in the field of photography are required. The workshop will be held in german, english or spanish.
Everyone can discover how photography really works, with no need to buy a camera, but just trying to build an own self-made d-i-y camera with recycled material. Building and playing with the principles of photography helps out understanding them. creating something unique and personalized in the era of digital and reproduction helps to just stop and think about the meaning of photography itself.
after a brief theoretical introduction the workshop will be developed in practical terms: participants will construct cameras, go outside, shoot, and learn how to develop and fix in the darkroom.
the results of the workshops will be shown to the public in the gallery during an exhibition which will take place at schwarzekatze/weisserkater during the following week.
the workshop will take place on February 27th, 2016, with the following timings
- 10:00 – 11:00 Presentation and introduction to pinhole photography. slideshow of most well known artists and photographers using this particular technique, brief introduction to theory and photography principles.
- 11:00 – 12:30 Build your own camera! Everyone will get hands dirty in constructing a camera with personalized characteristics.
- 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch break
- 13:00 – 14:00 Introduction to the darkroom. acids, papers, timings and particular experimental methodologies
- 14:00 – 18:00 Photography sessions and development in the darkroom.
Laura Fiorio is an italian photographer and visual artist currently based in Berlin.
she is founder of Pinhocchio and active in organising events linked to pinhole photography, with particular care on the theme of selfproduction and recycling. she studied fine arts and technology media at the academy of Fine arts in Venice and interactive media and film at the Middlesex University of London. she works with architecture and fashion photography, video and lighting.
Her photographic research focuses primarily on the issues of the city and landscape as places in transformation, with an experimental research dedicated to pinhole.
Her works have been displayed internationally including Biennale di Venezia, Palazzo Ducale, Bevilacqua la Masa Foundation, triennale Milan, Bibliotheca alexandrina, Rencontres d’arles, adhocracy athens.
the workshop will take place in schwarzekatze/weisserkater, Emser strasse 128, Berlin neukölln.
the organisers are providing all materials to participate in the workshop, and all the material for the darkroom:
– Materials for the construction of the cameras
– Photographic paper and acids for the darkroom
– Darkroom tools
– analogue lightmeter
– Paint and painting tools
– Exhibition tools
the inscription fee for the one-day-workshop, including materials and exhibition organisation is 65€. to book a place, please email pinho1739862273cchio1739862273@laur1739862273afior1739862273io.co1739862273m1739862273
the participant number is limited to 10. the workshop will take place with a minimum of 6 participants, if the minimum number won’t be reached, the workshop will be postponed.
An event by pinhocchio and schwarzekatze\weisserkater.
Event Details
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