Monat der Fotografie OFF Berlin
Bi-annual photography festival at various locations throughout Berlin; Partner festival: Mois de la Photo-OFF Paris.
Organizer in Berlin: Christel Boget / ParisBerlin>fotogroup
First edition: 2014
Frequency: Bi-annual
Established in 1994, the Mois de la Photo-OFF, the Paris-based biennial photography festival, is about to celebrate its 20th anniversary in autumn 2014. To mark the occasion, the festival is expanding to include Berlin by creating the „Monat der Fotografie OFF Berlin“.
Paris Photographique and ParisBerlin>fotogroup have teamed up to offer a parallel programme that takes place in the French and German capital cities in autumn 2014. True to its artistic ambitions and its vocation to promote emerging photography, the Mois de la Photo-OFF has maintained its alternative position among the plethora of photography festivals in Europe today. Its extension to Berlin is an opportunity to affirm its place and to attract new audiences. In 2014 the festival will present exhibitions in a very select roster of galleries and specialized art spaces, highlighting the new generation of creatives currently working in Paris and Berlin.