Group Exhibition
»Food for the Eyes«
The Story of Food in Photography
Curated by Susan Bright and Denise Wolff
Organized by Aperture Foundation, New York, in collaboration with C/O Berlin
Food for the Eyes at C/O Berlin presents the varied history of food in photography. The exhibition includes Swiss artist duo Fischli and Weiss’s legendary Sausage Series, showing hot dogs, German sausages, parsley, and pickles arranged as props in a grotesquely absurd scene; fashion photographer Irving Penn’s similarly iconic frozen fruit and vegetable sculptures and his numerous artful still lifes; and British Magnum photographer Martin Parr’s images of bright fairy cakes, tea, and beans on toast, all instantly recognizable as typically “British.” The show also presents works by Cindy Sherman and Martha Rosler that disrupt the traditionally domestic role of the woman in the kitchen.
Like the air we breathe or the water we drink, food is necessary for our survival. It awakens our senses and is part of private and public life in equal measure. Food and shared meals also play an important role in our rituals, religions, and festivals. Our beliefs, desires, and fantasies are reflected in what we choose to eat. Because food is part of our everyday life, it was and is a frequently depicted subject. And, like food itself, food photography can raise fundamental questions about a wide variety of societal themes: family, tradition, home life, wealth, poverty, gender, race, disgust, satisfaction, and consumption.
With works from fine art, fashion photography, journalistic stories, and advertisements, the exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of the depiction of food in photography through three themes. Still Life explores one of the most firmly established artistic traditions and asks the questions: How have photographers reinterpreted and subverted what was originally a genre of painting? What has changed—which new forms have developed over the course of time? Around the Table examines the ritual and sense of community that forms when food is shared, as well as the values and cultural identity they reflect. Playing with Food explores how the playful use of food can present new meanings and call us to both question and laugh at society’s traditions.
Food for the Eyes . The Story of Food in Photography brings together a number of well-known artists, including Nobuyoshi Araki, Peter Fischli and David Weiss, Nan Goldin, Rinko Kawauchi, Laura Letinsky, Martin Parr, Irving Penn, Martha Rosler, Cindy Sherman, Stephen Shore, and Wolfgang Tillmans. Curated by Susan Bright and Denise Wolff the exhibition is organized by Aperture Foundation, New York, in collaboration with C/O Berlin.
Framework program
Guided Tours: every Saturday & Sunday at 2 & 4 pm (in German), 6 pm (in English)
Whitsunday, June 9, 2019 + Whit Monday, June 10, 2019
Additional Guided Tours on Whitsun holidays:
2 & 4 pm (German), 6 pm (English)
June 8 / July 13 / Aug 17 / Sep 7, 2019, 10 am
Breakfast Club
(Breakfast & Guided Tour, held in German)
Ticket 22 Euro (incl. exhibition, guided tour & breakfast).
June 13, 2019, 7 pm
Lecture . Is it only food when you eat it?
With Marije Vogelzang . Eating Designerin
Ticket 10/6 Euro (incl. exhibition).
The event is held in English.
June 15 + 16, 2019, 12 – 6 pm
With Marije Vogelzang . Eating Designerin
Ticket 10/6 Euro (incl. exhibition).
The event is held in English.
June 20 / July 18 / Aug 8 / Sep 29, 2019, 7 + 7:30 pm
After-Work Guided Tour + Drink
Ticket 17 Euro (inkl. Ausstellung, Führung & Drink)
Held in German.
June 28, 2019 . 6:30 pm
Food for the Eyes . Summer Cinema & Wine Tasting
Talk with Ann-Christin Bertrand . Curator . C/O Berlin Foundation and
Thomas Struck . Curator of the Berlinale Culinary Cinema
Screening Sideways. 2004 . 2 h 7 m
Followed by a wine tasting in collaboration with Goldhahn und Sampson
Ticket 39 euros (incl. aperitif, talk, screening, wine tasting, cheese & bread)
Available online (plus booking fee) and at C/O Berlin
The event will be in German.
July 11, 2019, 6 – 10 pm
Cooking with Artist > CANCELLED
With Lorenzo Vitturi . exhibiting artist and Ann-Christin Bertrand . Curator . C/O Berlin Foundation
Ticket 85 Euro (incl. Guided Tour with the artist & curator & Cooking Event)
Available online (plus booking fee) and at C/O Berlin.
The event is held in English, in collaboration with Goldhahn und Sampson.
July 30, 2019 . 7 pm
Food for the Eyes . Summer Cinema & Pop-Up Dinner
Screening Eat Drink Man Woman . 1994 . 2 h 4 m
Followed by a pop-up dinner with star chef Tim Raue
Ticket 95 euros (incl. exhibition, screening & dinner)
Available online (plus booking fee) and at C/O Berlin
The event will be in German.
August 13, 2019, 6:30 pm
eat!Berlin Gastspiel bei C/O Berlin
With Sebastian Frank** . Restaurant Horváth, Marco Müller** . Restaurant Rutz . Max Strohe* . Speiselokal Tulus Lotrek, Karina Appeldorn .
Restaurant Steinplatz and Bernhard Moser . eat! berlin
Ticket 149 euros
Available at
August 23, 2019, 6:30 pm
Food for the Eyes . Summer Cinema
Screening NOMA – My Perfect Storm . 2015 . 1 h 40 m
Followed by a talk with Ditte Isager . Photographer . NOMA and
Felix Hoffmann . Chief Curator . C/O Berlin Foundation
Accompanied by a tasting of natural wine selection in collaboration by Goldhahn und Sampson
Ticket 39 euros (incl. aperitif, screening, talk, wine, cheese & bread)
Available online (plus booking fee) and at C/O Berlin
The event will be in English.
View details to all framework events on the C/O Berlin website.
June 8 — Sep 7, 2019
Opening Reception: Friday, June 7, 7 pm
Framework program: please see above
Amerika Haus, Hardenbergstraße 22-24, 10623 Berlin
[Charlottenburg | Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf]
Opening hours: Daily 11 am – 8 pm
Admission: 10 € / reduced 6 € | Online Ticket
Photography exhibitions/events in…
PiB Guide Nº58 JAN/FEB 2025 © PiB (Photography in Berlin). © PiB (Photography in Berlin). COVER PHOTO: Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Adebiyi, 1989 © Rotimi Fani-Kayode. Courtesy of Autograph, London. Group show »A World in Common. Contemporary African Photography« at C/O Berlin in Berlin-Charlottenburg, read more on page 4 & 5! +++ 3 photos on right double page spread (p. 5), top to bottom right: 1) Dawit L. Petros, Untitled (Prologue III), Nouakchott, Mauritania, 2016 © Dawit L. Petros. Courtesy of the artist and Tiwani Contemporary. 2) Lebohang Kganye, Re shapa setepe salenyalo II, 2013 © Lebohang Kganye. Courtesy of the artist. 3) Rotimi Fani-Kayode, see cover credits. +++ PiB Guide Editors / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller & Oliver Schneider
Current print issue
PiB Guide Nº58
JAN/FEB 2025
Discover great photography exhibitions in Berlin & beyond in PiB’s bi-monthly print issue, the PiB Guide! The PiB Guide Nº58 JAN/FEB 2025 has been published as a booklet, A6 format · 36 pages · English & German · worldwide shipping.
Aktuelle Printausgabe
PiB Guide Nº58
JAN/FEB 2025
Entdecke großartige Fotoausstellungen in Berlin & darüberhinaus in PiBs zweimonatlicher Printausgabe, dem PiB Guide! Der PiB Guide Nº58 JAN/FEB 2025 ist erschienen als Booklet im DIN A6 Format · 36 Seiten · Deutsch & Englisch · weltweiter Versand.