Solo Exhibition
»Bunte Haut«
Krzysztof Jarzebinski
Opening: Friday, March 31, 2017, 19h (Facebook Event)
Exhibition: April 1 – 16, 2017
Opening hours: Sat & Sun 14-18h, and by appointment
Admission free
What are you proud of?
Do you love yourself?
What are you ashamed of?
What is special about you?
Well, who am I? And who would I want to be? The smallest questions are usually the most difficult. In order to answer to our inner self these questions must be addressed. Lexical facts are not relevant here.
Whilst Krzysztof Jarzebinski puts his models into an introspective mood, these questions are initiated. It is not so much about the naked skin of the figures, rather exposing the inner being.
Jarzebinski’s nudes show a personal moment. Only being human counts: the self-image in its external attitude becomes visible.
Clothing has lost its original function of mechanical protection. It serves us today as a veil, representation, disguise, desire, longing, decoration …
Therefore Jarzebinski portrays the human being as well as his accompanying attire, so then what does this material mean?
The individual pieces of clothing detached from the body create a voyeuristic moment of astounding intimacy. The placement of the clothes, personally arranged by the model captivates interest. It is the stripped self-image which is so astounding.
Like the molting of a snake when the sheath becomes too tight, there it lies, the colored skin.
As paradoxical as it might seem, Jarzebinski manages to capture the diversity of a personality at an instant. It seems as if the personality fixation was portrayed from all facets of the ego radiating individually.
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